Creation of European European network for audio-visual and creative skills is an ultimate goal of the project partnership, not only because we want to ensure the sustainability and multiplication of project results achieved, but also to provide cross-border expertise without which such pan-European innovation can not be released at all.
The strong cross-border cooperation among partners from each side of Europe will provide deep understanding of the specifics of the training and learning systems for upskilling in the audio-visual and creative sector. The process of networking has already been started with the current project partnership. Partnering organizations have established close cooperative relationships and have mutually recognized their expertise and potential as capable for successful delivering of the planned innovations. Formalisation of the current informal networking and establishment of a pan-European network, will promote the project results and will act as a key stakeholder in the European adult education scene.
The European network for audio-visual and creative skills will include organisations such as education providers in the cultural sector, cultural operators, willing to apply innovative and technological solutions to the training challenges. It will also be open to individual memberships of trainers, who will bring the innovation to the training process and will provide a grass-root feedback for the development of the technology. The creation of the cross-border European mechanism that not only ensures sustainability of the results, but also enables the inclusion of additional stakeholders who would support our efforts so far and benefit from the results.