The project includes a total of six Intellectual Outputs cross-cutting the fields of culture, technical skills and education.

The project activities include the elaboration of intellectual outputs, which will be managed and disseminated accordingly. Upon the implementation of all intellectual outputs, the dissemination events and the trainings, the expected results are:

  1. Review and analysis of existing educational resources, and shortlisting
  2. Methodology for coherence and transfer of knowledge and Assignment for OERs and software
  3. Training modules and OERs–pilot database, tutorials. At least 36 tutorials during 6 live events elaborated.
  4. Software development of adult learners toolset
  5. Software development of a toolset for trainers in AV and creative skills
  6. Creation of European network for audio-visual and creative skills

The project will have positive impact on participants, participating organisations, target groups and other relevant stakeholders in several aspects:

  • the cultural operators will summon the existing knowledge and will apply the intergenerational pact for upskilling
  • collaboration in the field of supporting disadvantaged groups in the labour market – low-skilled, long term unemployed and NEETs
  • supporting the educators and professional trainers in audio-visual and live performance skills through providing them interactive OERs for use and sharing of knowledge. The Creative Hub platform will substantially contribute to the lifelong learning efforts on local, regional, national, European and international levels in the cultural and creative sectors.
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Review and analysis of existing educational resources, and shortlistingMethodology for coherence and transfer of knowledge and Assignment for OERs and softwareTraining modules and OERs – pilot database, tutorialsSoftware development of adult learners toolsetSoftware development of a toolset for trainers in AV and creative skillsCreation of European network for audio-visual and creative skills
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