The EU’s goal of reaching 15% adult participation in learning by 2020 is far from being attained. In some countries the adult participation rate is as low as 1.5%. Various groups of adults /low-skilled, long term unemployed and NEETs/ are largely excluded from participation. The findings of Cedefop’s European skills and jobs survey also emphasise the importance of developing and using employees skills in the workplace.

According to Eurostat estimates based on the Adult Education Survey, employers are among the most common providers of non-formal education and training – more than 80% of the training provision. The ‘OER revolution’ promises to make available high quality educational resources to anyone, anytime, anywhere and at a low cost. Report “Live skills” (2018, EACEA) finds radical structural changes that are currently taking place in the cultural industries. The digitization in the sector and the penetration of new technologies impose the development of t-shaped skills.

According to the Institute for the Future, (2016) the ideal worker in the cultural industries of the next decade is “T-shaped”. This means that they have a deep understanding of at least one field but have the capacity to converse in the language of a broader range of disciplines. This requires willingness to go on learning, far beyond the years of formal education.

The project general objective is:

Upgrading audio-visual and technical skills of adults through development of educational resources in an online Open Educational Platform for the needs of the cultural sector.

Project specific objectives are:

  • (1) Enhancing coherence of knowledge and expertise in adult learning, through integration of existing training practices;
  • (2) Improving the access to high quality digital learning materials in the field of audio-visual and cultural sector, through ICT;
  • (3) Supporting the European cultural and creative sector for using the non-formal and informal adult learning, through providing interactive digital e-learning platform.

The identified groups which will be targeted throughout the project implementation are:

  • Employees in the cultural institutions and operators, responsible for the audiovisual and creative productions.
  • Unemployed adults (lowskilled, long term unemployed and NEETs) – interested in the cultural/creative field.